The Choral Scholar & American Choral Review

The Choral Scholar & American Choral Review banner image

The Choral Scholar and American Choral Review, the journal of the National Collegiate Choral Organization, seeks to innovate through the production and the publication of choral scholarship in service to the choral community. This digital publication intersects the topics of conducting, pedagogy, musicology, music theory, critical theory, and other disciplines to create a comprehensive scope of the 21st-century collegiate choral field. As part of the organization’s commitment to access, equity, and inclusion, the editorial board of the journal welcomes a broad array of topics and formats, including columns, interviews, peer-reviewed articles, and other forms of scholarly expression.

During Summer 2020, the NCCO received custody of American Choral Review from Chorus America, Inc. The merged The Choral Scholar & American Choral Review began Fall 2020, with Vol. 58, No. 3, adopting the numbering system of the antecedent publication.

ISSN: 1948-3058

Spring 2024

Fall 2023

Spring/Summer 2023


For guidelines on how to submit an article for consideration, please consult our Submissions Information page. Please contact the Chief Editor at [email protected] with any questions.

Research Memorandum Series

The Research Memorandum Series is a bibliographic resource that includes recent dissertation and thesis abstracts from masters and doctoral students. Published annually, the RMS provides conductors, scholars, and students access to the latest choral research. Please submit new dissertation and thesis abstracts by filling out this form.

Editors & Board

Chief Editor of Publications

Angelica Dunsavage, Tennessee State University

Associate Editors

Andrew Crow, Ball State University
Morgan Luttig, University of Alabama
Michael Porter, Boise State University
Nathan Reiff, Swarthmore College
Jace Saplan, Arizona State University

Editorial Mentors

Hilary Apfelstadt
Edward Maclary
Magen Solomon

Former Chief Editors

Sean Michael Burton (Sept 2014—July 2019)
Elizabeth Swanson (Acting, July 2019—Dec 2019)
Mark Nabholz (Jan 2020—Dec 2021)

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