Official Duties and General Responsibilities of Officers

The following were revised by the Officers, October 23, 2017.


  1. Responsibilities to the Executive Board
    1. Lead regular conference calls and provide agenda items for the Executive Board
    2. Support and assist the Executive Board members in the execution of their responsibilities
  2. Responsibilities to the Membership
    1. Promote NCCO to the college and university choral community in the US and internationally
    2. Be the public face of NCCO and chief liaison with other professional organizations, including coordinating NCCO presence at conferences as needed
  3. Conference Responsibilities
    1. Work with host institution and other appropriate entities regarding all logistics for the biennial conference, including performance venues, hotels, and transportation
    2. In consultation with the Executive Board secure headliners. Serve as main contact person for the headliners and issue letters of agreement
    3. In consultation with the Executive Board choose invited choirs
    4. In consultation with the Executive Board determine recipients of the Lifetime Achievement Award

Vice President

  1. Responsibilities to the Membership
    1. Maintain National Board as a chief means of communication with NCCO membership
      1. Confirm commitment and fill vacancies
      2. Encourage NBMs to act as advocates and lines of communication for NCCO
      3. Coordinate National Board Meeting at conference
    2. Support web/print design, content, and communication
      1. Oversee design of print ads
      2. Support updating of content on NCCO website and other social media
      3. Oversee design of program book
      4. Author and distribute e-newsletters


  1. Responsibilities to the Executive Board
    1. Run elections in coordination with the Secretary
    2. Serve as assistant to the President
    3. Run Executive Board meetings as required
    4. Leads the Executive Board in evaluation and forward planning
  2. Conference Duties
    1. Coordinate All Calls for the Conference, including MCP Fellows Program
    2. Choose conference site in consultation with the board


  1. Responsibilities to the Executive Board
    1. Maintain all financial accounts and
    2. Maintain a budget for the organization and update the spreadsheet of accounts
    3. Give financial report at every Executive Board meeting
    4. Write checks for Executive Board reimbursement and incidental expenses
    5. Prepare documents for Internal Revenue Service to maintain 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt status.
    6. Reserve the booth for the biennial ACDA national conferences
  2. Conference Responsibilities
    1. Communicate with sponsors and process sponsorship donations, set levels for sponsorship in consultation with the other officers
    2. Present a preliminary "Treasurer's Report" (2-year scope) to the National Board at our biennial conference meeting.
    3. Present a finalized "Treasurer's Report" (2-year scope) to the National Board after the conference, and as the two-year Treasurer term comes to an end.
    4. Set payment levels for membership, conference registration, and advertisements, in coordination with the Executive Board.


  1. Responsibilities to the Executive Board
    1. Propose meeting dates/times for all executive board meetings, whether conference or physical
    2. Type, distribute & archive meeting minutes of executive board and annual meeting
    3. Run elections in coordination with President-Elect
    4. Maintain a timeline and remind Executive board of upcoming deadlines and timeline
  2. Conference Responsibilities
    1. Coordinate onsite-registration at conference

Chief Editor of Publications

  • See the Call for our next Chief Editor of Publications

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